SYBF Week 5 Check-in: Brain-Body Connection

Earlier in the week, we looked at the brain-body connection and how we can curb and control our feelings and mindset through our bodies. This mid-week check-in looks at mix-and-match strategies for fostering communication and connection. The timing of the Brain-Body Connection theme seems to be spot on as I have heard from many of you that you make a physical activity plan in our growth mindset week. Hopefully, you’ll find some strategies here that you already use and find new ones that can help you stay the course and meet your goals. The new or returning walkers, runners, hikers, gym rats, yogis - this week’s for you!

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SYBF Week 5: Brain-Body Connection

The mind-body connection is a two-way relationship in which the mind influences the body, and the body influences the mind. Positive thoughts release feel-good neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine, which can energize and activate the body. Physical sensations, pleasure, pain, and everything in between influence our mental state. 

One of the easiest ways to break out of a negative or stuck mental state is to engage in physical activity. Just moving the body can move the mental state. By intentionally engaging our brains while we move our bodies, we can even level up the body-brain connection and shape our brains further. First, let’s explore the science of this connection. 

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SYBF Week 4 Wrap Up: Affirmations

I might be an innovator and risk-taker by nature, but my reptilian brain speaks just as loud as everyone else’s. I am frequently halted, even paralyzed, but the naturally occurring fear of the unknown.   This phrase, “The point is not perfection. The point is to try.” helps me remember that I am the only person expecting perfection from me. Everyone else expects lots of things, but none of them are perfect. 

And regardless of what anyone else wants or expects of me, I can commit to trying, exploring what else I can learn from, and in turn, offer to the world. Without trying new things, we cannot know our true potential of who and how we can be in this world now and in the future. 

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SYBF Week 4 Check-in: Affirmations

Our midweek check-in on self-affirmations focuses on making your affirmations most impactful and effective. Below are key points to remember as you select and use your affirmations. 


Use affirmations that are believable, at least in part, to you. No matter how beautiful the words are, if you can’t believe they are a little true now, your brain adds an asterisk*.

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SYBF Week 4: Affirmations

Science shows that affirmations restore self-competence and confidence, allowing us to build, maintain, and regain self-worth, especially during difficult times. Self-affirmation theory, a psychological theory, explains that affirmations restore self-competence and confidence, allowing people to build, maintain, and restore self-worth, especially in times of difficulty or challenge. According to this theory, when we affirm our values and strengths, we reinforce our sense of self-worth and competence, which in turn, helps us cope with challenges and maintain a positive self-image.  

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